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  1. Sophia

    hi Kelly! why did you take down the section that allows ppl to share their stories? love ur books xx

  2. Kelly

    When will you be coming out with more Fairy House books? My daughter and I have read all 8 books so far, and she’s dying to know how it all ends!! She LOVES this series!!
    Thank you!

    • kellymckain

      Hi Kelly,
      Thanks so much for your message! I’m so happy to hear that you and your daughter love the Fairy House books! I absolutely loved writing them! I had an issue with this series when it was published as Scholastic didn’t publish the whole of the series, so the last four books were never published in English, very sadly. So what I did was found a publisher in another language and now we have wonderful versions of all 12 stories in Japan! So I now have the last four stories, but not as books. I’m very keen to give children the end of the series and I will be able to do this very soon by recording audio versions, and perhaps downloadable print versions on my website – I’ll let you know when this happens, and I’m so sorry they aren’t available in the same format. Of course, I would have loved Scholastic to publish them all, but they take their own decisions that I have no control over. I’m so happy I’ve found some way to finish the series, though! loads of love to you both, Kelly x

      • Emma

        Dear Ms Kelly,
        I love your pony camp diaries! and have almost finished the series! and I was just wondering if you plan on ever making more if the series? Your such and amazing and talented writer and I would love to get to see you write more of them!

  3. berfin

    Dear Ms McKain,
    Your Totally Lucy books were my favorite when I was a kid. Your imagination not only shaped my world and habits (10+ years and my diaries still look just like Lucy’s) but also showed me who I want to be. I will always remember the excitement of reading your stories and I hope in the future my stories have the same effect on readers.
    Kindest regards,

    • kellymckain

      Hi Berfin! Thank you so much for sharing your love of Totally Lucy! This means so much to me – it’s wonderful how Lucy lives on for so many people even when they grow up! I wrote a diary like Lucy’s when I was about 10 – a completely made up one of a life far more exciting than mine LOL! So I should have known I’d end up writing that series! I’m so pleased to hear that you’re writing, too! I hope it goes really well and enjoy it – the best job in the world! If you need any help in the future, soo my Author’s Hour of Power page! Loads of love, Kelly x

  4. Carol Scott

    Are there any knitting patterns for The Woolies Characters anywhere? I think these would go over very well with children and adults. I know my grandchildren would love to have their very own Woolie.

    • kellymckain

      Hi Carol, thanks so much for your message, and I’m sorry I’ve only just seen this – I’ve just been changed to an admin! There aren’t any patterns that I know of, unfortunately. OUP haven’t created any as far as I know – it might be worth trying them though! It’s wonderful to hear that your grandchildren like The Woollies – I really loved working on the books! Love, Kelly x

  5. Tess de Leur

    Hello Kelly,

    I’m Tess de Leur from the Netherlands and next week i’ll have my book review about the diary from Tess.
    I really want to know why you wrote this book, so i can tell the class about it. Thank you very much and i love Reading You’re book.

    • kellymckain

      Hi Tess, thanks so much for your message! I really hope your book review went well and thanks for choosing my book! I actually worked on a Pony Camp when I was between 19 and 21 years old, in the holidays from University and I absolutely loved it! The Pony Camp in the books is very like it – the kids even used to play limbo dancing under the jump poles in the evenings! Happy riding and reading! Kelly x

    • Emma

      Dear Ms Kelly,
      I love your pony camp diaries especially the story’s and format! It’s the one series that gets me reading one of my favorites is Emily and Emerald! I’ve almost finished the whole series though! I was wondering if you plan on making any more pony camp dairy’s? I love the dairy format though cus it’s like your part of the story as I’f the character is talking to you! And I’d love to see you write more of them your such a good creative writer and I love your books!

  6. Olympia Visch

    Dear Kelly, my 9 year old daughter, Olympia, is real fan of your Pony Camp Diaries books. She reads the Dutch translation, as were Dutch, Living in The Netherlands. Olympia is an animal fan, she loves horses and horse riding, it makes her head clear, she always says, and her bff is our dog Hector, a 2 year old Viszla (puppy). For her school book presentation, she obviously choose one of your books, Ponycamp diaries: Megan and Mischief ( Dagboek van mijn ponykamp, Tess & Tornado). As some extra information on the book and the author (you..;-)..) she would love to ask you some personal questions (what is your favorite food, Do you love horse riding, what is your favorite book ever your wrote and what is you fav book ever you read? What is your best advise (in general) for a 9 year old? What is your favorite place to write? have you ever been to The Netherlands?
    Thank you so much, warm regards,
    Olympia & Annemiek Visch

    • kellymckain

      Hi Olympia, thank you so much for all your great questions! They’re so good you have inspired me to make a blog out of them and share it here on the website! I hope you’re having fun with Hector and enjoying your riding and the horses. I’ll write something about the beautiful horse I ride and hang out with too – he’s called Sparks and he’s an ex-eventer with a big heart. He’s very sensitive to noise and environment, and I love how we communicate together, as well as our rides through the countryside and woodland here! Loads of love, Kelly x

      • Emma

        Dear Ms Kelly,

        I’m a huge fan of your pony camp diaries and love the story’s and the format! It’s been the one series that gets me reading I’ve almost finished it though, and wanted to know if you plan on ever writing more. I love the way you write them and the format dairy style is my favorite thing about it cus it feels like your a part of the story! and I especially enjoyed the Emily and Emerald book it’s one of my favorites. And I’d love to see you write more of that series!

  7. Josefine

    Dear Kelly,

    we are a family from germany. My daughters (6 and 8 years old) totally love your books! Ponyhof Liliengrün (Ponycamp series) is the first series my 8 year old has read one book after the other. Some she reads several times. To my youngest i am reading the stories and i appreciate how carefully you integrate empathetic life lessons alongside the main story.

    In my own childhood a pony for which i was allowed to care was my greatest teacher for the person i am today – especially for the connection to nature. Riding alone .. but feeling connected to the pony, the soil, the trees, the fields, the birds above, the air i breathe.. feeling safe and rich (in the heart)

    So I was wondering what might have been your motive for writing these series.

    I want to thank you for your great mission to spread love and empathy!
    Thank you for all the books of which we are looking forward to exploring more!

    Kind regards and blessings and best wishes to you and your dear from the bottom of my heart!


    • kellymckain

      Hi Josefine,
      Thank you so, so much for your lovely message! I’m so happy to hear that your daughters are enjoying the Ponycamp books so much, that’s wonderful! I really relate to your experience with your childhood pony – I ride and hang out with a beautiful ex-eventer called Sparks now and it’s absolute magic – that moment when we connect in together and then connect to everything around us. I love that heart to heart communication that we have too. Just so breath-taking to be part of!
      I worked on a Pony Camp in the holidays from University and I just loved it so much – I looked after 16 children each week with the real life Sally. So many of the children has wonderful (sometimes challenging) emotional journeys through the week and tat gave me lots of inspiration for the books.
      So much love and blessings to you and your daughters and whole family too, and thank you again for your kind and thoughtful words. I have a new series called The Feeling Good Club, which I feel you would love! Hopefully it will be bought by a German publisher so you get to read it! So much love, Kelly xx

      • Emma and Holly

        Hi Kelly,

        Here is a message from my 7yr old daughter Holly:

        ‘Hi Kelly, I adore your Feeling Good Club book. It really helped me to control my feelings. Please will you write another one. I am desperate to find out what happens next!’

        My daughter has lots of anxiety and this book was just brilliant for her. The cover and illustrations really stood out to her and made the book appealing. She wanted to read it forever and didn’t want to stop! Thank you for writing something so accessible and encouraging.
        Please tell us when the next book is coming out!

  8. Zara

    Hi Kelly! My name is Zara, I’m 9 and really like your books . They make me go EEEEEEK. I have all of your books . I have only read bffs forever and planet fashion so far. I really hope that I can meet you one day

  9. Michele Dorfling

    Hi Kelly
    My daughter recently chose one of the Fairy Friends books at her school library – to say that we loved it, is an understatement! It was really awesome! To the extent that I want to purchase the whole set for hr birthday! Are you able to tell me how I can do this? I am in South Africa.
    Thanks a mil!
    Kind regards
    Michele & Kristen (my soon to be 7 year old)

  10. TSfanaticL4PP

    Dear Kelly,
    I am a TOTAL fan of your totally Lucy books. Lucy reminds me of myself. That fashion fan, sometimes drama queen, and lover of wagon wheels (can you blame me?). You will find this weird but I only have 1 of the totally Lucy books and I am already a fan, but I ordered some so when they come in the mail I will be full of excitedness.

    Lots and lots and lots of love and goodbyeness,


  11. Hannah Stickland

    For world book day I was asked to write a letter to an author – and I chose you! My teacher thought I should actually send it to you, so here it is.

    Dear Kelly
    I am writing to you because I really love your books ( even though I have read one)! The one I have read is Emily and Emerald! It is really good! I am hoping that I could buy some more of your books. I really want the one that is called Hannah and Hope because my name is Hannah! Also I would really like to meet you but I do not think that is going to happen but I am crossing my fingers it will!
    You are a really good author .

    The reason you are my favourite author is because I love horses alot ( they are my favourite animal) and because your stories are quite funny! I have only ridden a horse once but I think me and my sister ( Katie) are going to go horse riding in the summer ( when we go on holiday in July with friends)! Also for world book day I was supposed to make a mask and guess what I made? I made… Emerald! You know from Emily and Emerald. Thank you so much for making my life a bit better!
    From Hannah Stickland xxx
    Year 4, age 8

  12. Pauline Allen

    My 10 yr old daughter,Issabella & I recently started reading your animal S.O.S series and we love them, with only one book left to read. They are thrilling to read and we love the adventures & characters,not to mention your edge of the seat writing style, Bella couldn’t put them down. So Were just wondering if there are any more books in the pipeline,as were hooked.

  13. Michelle Andersen

    Hi!!! My mom and I have been trying to find a way to contact you since 2009! She purchased The Fairy house Book series for my twins (now 19) and now my youngest (age 8) is LOVING them just as much! My mom made matching book marks of each fairy for each book. However…….there is only books?!? My oldest daughter waited and waited for the last 4 books, and now my youngest is looking for the last 4 gemstones. Have you finished the series? 🙂

  14. Nuria Goldston

    Hi! Can you make a part in your website where children could create their owns tories and post them, they could also get helpful comments, hey and, could they not post it through e-mail?! Please consider my decsion, bye!

  15. Nuria

    Hi! I don’t know if I’ve read any of your books, but I heard about you so I guess I’m pretty new!

  16. Carol Vallet (teacher)

    Hello I am in a bilingual class in Brussels, my name is Chloé. In class we are writing to the authors we love. I love Pony camp diaries
    What inspired you to write them?
    What’s your favourite book ?
    Why did you start to write?
    Thank you for writing your books
    From Chloé CM1.5 Lycee français jean monnet

  17. Ada Aşkın

    Hello Kelly!
    I’m Ada and I’m 17 years old from Turkey. I grew up reading Totally Lucy obsessively! I would never be seen without a book of the serie, I would literally take them everywhere with me. Looking back, it all just gives me such positive vibes. I was just laying in bed thinking about the fact that my memory of reading your books takes me back to the happiest times of my life and I thought “Only if there were a way to thank this wonderful woman for her impact on my life!”. I ended up here, I hope that this message gets to you. You inspire me to write children’s books in the future and the memory of your books will forever live with me. I would in fact love to know when you, yourself started writing children’s books, if there is a way for you to respond to this message. Thank you so much for the happy memories that you’ve given me. You created a beautiful universe people like me could escape for a moment in time. Such wonderful work! Keep it up, always. Stay healthy, happy and creative.
    Love, Ada

  18. CJ

    I have read all of the totally Lucy books, and I just want to say a big thank you for writing such amazing stories and bringing the characters Lucy, Tilda, and Jules to life in your books your are a real hero and your books have not only entertained me greatly, but also inspired my creativity.
    Lots of Love, as Lucy would say it.

  19. Lily

    kelly mckain your fairy house books are exelent and I love them so much I think you should make a fairy for each month of the year!for an example you could do Amelie the Janurary fairy Lillian the feberary fairy adam the March fairy Anna the april fairy sophie the may fairy isla the june fairy xavior the july fairy and terry the augest fairy.ps my adress is 3 curnow street brighton s.a from lily (annas daughter)

  20. El

    is Jules from Totally Lucy a lesbian this is important

  21. Mercy

    Hi is there The fairy House book series, is there book 9? We have read all 8 books and we notice the fairies still have 4 jewels to find. Thanks for your reply.
    Regards, Mercy
    Ps- my daughter (6) absolutely loves them!!! 🙂

  22. Mercy

    Hi is there The fairy House book series, is there book 9? We have read all 8 books and we notice the fairies still have 4 jewels to find. Thanks for your reply.
    Regards, Mercy
    Ps- my daughter (6) absolutely lives them!!! 🙂

  23. Aniyah

    Hey. I love your books especially totally Lucy and rainbow beauty.

  24. Carrie

    We’re on book 5 of the fairy house series. I’m resisting the urge to skip ahead to see if the last book finishes the story – are there more to be written?

  25. Oliwia

    Hi I love your books sos.

  26. Oliwia

    Hi I love your books sos

  27. Gcino

    Hi Kelly I just wanted to let you know that I love you and your books and I wanted to know when the next book of totally Lucy will come out and to let me know when so I can go to barging books at SA because I’m in SA and stay safe at home 🏡 don’t get covid 19 cos I hate covid 19

  28. Bertil HESSEL

    Hello Kelly,
    I have bought one title of Ponykam avonturen, the Dutch version of your english language series.
    I like it very much.
    On question: are the books of this series available in french language ?
    Best regards

  29. Era

    Hello dear Mrs. Kelly Mckain! I have been looking to contact you for a while now, and now I finally am writing this message to you. I am a long time fan of your Totally Lucy book series. These books have been with me for many years, and they are my go-to books for whenever I want to get my mind off things, or entertain myself, because no matter how many times I read it, these stories just make me so happy. I am 19 and I still enjoy reading these books, I simply can’t get enough. They have helped me get through some difficult times and cheered me up, and gave me hope. I love Lucy. I think this series is severely underrated, I would love a cartoon adaptation or something like that. An active fanbase would be incredible. But anyway, I am contacting you to ask you some questions about the aftermath of the series. I am extremely curious about what happens with the characters afterwards. I guess the girls are around 25 years old by now! Has Lucy become fashion designer she has always wanted to become? And the other girls, are they also doing their dream jobs? Is she and Simon still together? What does their friendship look now? How are their families doing? What about their highschool years, what kind of adventures did they have in that time? And obviously college too, I wonder how their college life was? I know fictional characters don’t grow old and are immortal, but Lucy is just so real to me, I really really want to know how she’s doing now! If you could tell me even just some of the ideas you have about the aftermath of the series not only that would satisfy my curiosity, it would also make me the happiest teen on earth.
    Thank you so much for these wonderful series, I will be eagerly awaiting your response!

  30. Ulrike Mayer

    Hi! We are from Germany. My daughter need more informations about you. She want to know, why you are writing about horses. Do you ride? In School the question is: Why did you write this Story “Ponyhof Liliengrün, Marie und Merlin”. Do you have a Story about the reason… Maybe you can tell in only a few words?! Kind regards, Uli from Black Forest

  31. Somto Erinne

    You planned more books of Quentin Quirk’s Magic Works. Why haven’t they been released?

  32. Cari McKain Sauer

    Hello Kelly. Just dropping a line to keep in touch. Life is good.

  33. Helena

    Rainbow beauty is the most entertaining and coolest book I ever read!It is so addicting!

  34. Sophie Tersteeg

    hello Kelly
    I’m Sophie

    I like your book pony camp adventures the diary of Sofie, for the school I need to make a summary of a book, I chose your book, for that I need your the story of your life and how you became a professional writer.
    I hope you can answer.

    You’re greeted by Sophie

  35. Vita

    My name is Vita, I am from Slovenia. In my school we need to read a book and write about the book and author. I need some information about you, becouse i did not find anything about you. How old are you, when is your birthday, when were you born, have you got any siblings, where do you live, have you recived somme kind of reward, what is your profession,… (sorry for my English). It would mean a lot to me if you give me this information.

    Thank you in advance


    P.S.: Love your books.

  36. Vita

    My name is Vita, I am from Slovenia. In my school we need to read a book and write about the book and author. I I choosed your book and i need some information about you. When is your birthday, how old are you, have you got any brothers or sisters, where do you live,… (sorry for my English)


    P.S.: I love your books.

  37. Ann Clay

    Are there any more books in the fairy house series? My daughter and I started reading them years ago and we love them, but can only find the first 8. We are living in suspense!!

  38. Eliza

    Hi, i’m Eliza, i’m 8 years old and I love your books and I have a pony too! I live in Australia in New South Wales I love riding ponies! By

  39. Wendy Mckain

    W0W. All those books Kelly.Guess your very very busy.Do you send out information in post.My grand daughter is 6 half now,little Elsie(your half bro ‘s daughter.Thinking she maybe right age now.Shes so bright and goes to drama and sings beautifully.She plays piano too,just as you did.Kelly hope youfamily well.xx

  40. zeynep

    I grew up with Totally Lucy! As a girl living in Turkey trying to figure out life, struggling to understand my environment, I loved hiding in Lucy’s universe; she was just like me! It must have been almost 10 years since I started reading Totally Lucy books and today, all of a sudden Lucy came to my mind, so I felt like googling and found out this website. I wanted to take the chance to thank you, Kelly. I loved reading your books; they meant so much to me.

  41. Lisa and Siusaidh

    My daughter love reading your books but we would like the next four in the series so that we can finish the story. Do you have any plans to finish the Fairy House stories? Thank you.

  42. Carol Scott


    My grandchildren love your Woollies books and I wondered if you have any knitting patterns for The Woollies as I know they would love to have their own little Woollies.

    Thank You.

    Carol Scott

  43. Dawn Grierson

    Hi! I’m an adult and love your ‘ The Fairy House’ books. Will you be writing the last 4 of these books to see how the Oak tree is saved and all the gems found? I’d love to read more.

  44. Rianna

    Hi Kelly,
    When I was younger I used to really love the totally
    Lucy books and I ordered a couple more off eBay and Im really loving them

    Rianna Xx

  45. Clare Spires

    Dear Kelly

    I am headteacher of a primary school in Woking. I would like to request workshops in November for classes and an author to officially open our new learning resource center (library and ICT suite). I do not have a date in mind just yet but is this something you could do and do you have references from previous schools you have visited who would recommend you?

  46. Jen Filson

    Hi Kelly! I’m a mom to a 7 year old book dragon…she loved your series The Fairy House. We borrowed the first 4 from our library and will have to find the others in the series. Is the series finished or do you plan to write more about Katie and her fairy friends? Thanks!

  47. Danielle

    Will you be continuing the Fairy House Series? My daughter loves them!

  48. Tim

    Hello! What is the ETA of the next Fairy House series book? My daughter loves them and cannot wait for the next installment!

    Thank you!

  49. Ben Fry

    Beautiful website Kelly – but I would expect nothing less!
    Ben ; )


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