
Authors’ Hour of Power

With Kelly’s insightful, inspired guidance, I am now finally in control of my own material. She brings more than a fresh pair of eyes to the editorial process. Instead, it feels like I’ve been taken on a journey, guiding me towards my novel’s narrative essence, reintroducing me to the idea that excited me in the first place.

Stuart Croskell, author of BOY

Hi, I’m Kelly McKain, best-selling author of over 60 children’s and YA fiction titles, published in more than 20 languages.

I wish I’d had someone ‘on the inside’ of things in UK publishing to talk with when I’d started out, so I’m excited to offer the Authors’ Hour of Power to writers in the UK, whether they’re emerging or looking to refresh, rebrand or reboot. I can also help worldwide writers who are interested primarily in the UK market, as this is where I have contacts, knowledge and experience.

This powerful one-hour session will allow you to assess your projects, strategy and progress so far from a new perspective. You’ll gain clarity about how best to move forward and identify sticking points and places where a confidence boost or mindset shift is needed.

I’d love to help you on your journey to:

  • getting clear on your goals and creating your strategy as a working writer
  • submitting your work for publication or getting it out there yourself
  • finding an agent or publisher
  • navigating the industry once you’ve broken in
  • creating a long-term, sustainable life as an author (caution: this may not mean earning tons of money solely from your books)
  • creating a unique platform for yourself to engage with readers and gatekeepers in a way that’s authentic to you
  • using your books as ‘golden business cards’ to power other income streams

In your Authors’ Hour of Power session, we’ll come from both angles – looking into the heart of you and your work AND exploring industry information and insights. You’ll come away from the call understanding what you really want to focus on and why, how to turn those projects into stunning submissions packages, who to get them in front of, how to get your foot (and your full MS) in the door and how to capitalise on it when you do.

How it works…

Authors’ Hour of Power sessions are currently £144. This includes my prep time before your call, your one-hour session, and your 20-minute follow up. To book your session email me at hello@kellymckain.co.uk.

When you book your session, you’ll receive a questionnaire to fill in, to help me prepare for our call and understand how best I can support you on your journey as an author.

You’ll receive a Zoom link for our call and enjoy your inspiring Hour of Power. Afterwards, you’ll get the recording so that you can listen again whenever you like – so no need to try and take notes during the call.

You’ll come away with a clear list of action points to work through in your own time. We’ll also have a 20-minute follow up call at the right time for you, to talk over your progress and resolve any burning questions that have arisen.

Let’s really get you going on your author journey – and get your voice out there!