
I Love everything!

Then, my kids. It was Holly and Freddie’s birthdays. Holly’s dream birthday party involved hanging out and shopping in town with her friends, including, of course, a trip to our beautiful local bookshop, The Haslemere Bookshop. I was always going to love that, and we all had great fun choosing a book each. I got the awesome and giant Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. Freddie wanted a party at our fantastic local ice cream parlour, Dylan’s… that’s my boy! And it involved stretchy men, as you can see!

And… everything! I’ve had loads of fun with my pony, there have been impromptu meet-ups with old friends and new, and exciting plans for the future are coming into focus. And I’m not planning for it to end any time soon – I’m going to keep appreciating, because I know that that’s the quickest way to see even more great things come into my life! Also, if you’re feeling good, you’re much better placed to help out those who aren’t feeling so great with a friendly word, a hug, or some serious action. So, here’s wishing you a happy, happy day!