
Take a Noticing Walk

Walking outside, in the woods, countryside or on a beach is a wonderful opportunity for you to practice mindfulness.


Next time you are out with your family or a friend, try a “noticing” walk:

  • Walking wherever you are, try to notice things you haven’t seen before. Playing I-SPY – a wonderful game for noticing and appreciating your surroundings;
  • Try to walk for a minute in complete silence, simply being aware of all the sounds you can hear – the birds, aeroplanes overhead, the wind in the trees, insects buzzing, voices, your footsteps;
  • If you can try to find 3 different textures – tree bark, grass, leaves, sand, rocks, a feather, and as you touch them close your eyes to really notice your thoughts if you can.  See if any memories come up for you, which textures do you like or don’t like the most? Remember it’s not a competition – there are no right or wrong answers as we are all wonderfully different;
  • Taking 3 deep breaths of life giving fresh air, noticing the temperature as the air is drawn up through your nostrils;
  • Why not write something down about your walk that you loved and pop it into your gratitude jar;


(Thanks to Natasha Brittan, Mindfulness Coach, for this exercise – toshbrittan.com)