I was just in my garden, literally smelling the roses – they have all just come out and they are beautiful and make me want to eat a
sherbet fountain. Anyway, I found this money spider on my arm and, well, usually if I found a spider on my arm I would be doing the ‘geddidoffme!!!’ dance of leaping around shrieking, but this one was very little and cute. (The picture below is a reconstruction – no actual spiders were harmed in the making of this post!).
So I let it dangle off a bit of web on my finger and I circled it round my head three times. That’s what you have to do to get the money. So I fully expect to win the lottery tonight!
And it got me thinking about superstitions. I don’t really believe in them, but still, I find myself taking notice of them, almost without thinking about it. I don’t walk under ladders – but then, that just seems sensible – after all, a pot of paint might fall down on your head!
I think it’s lucky when a black cat crosses in front of me, and I automatically rugby tackle anyone who
is about to put up an umbrella in the house. Strangely, I actually love the number 13 – in a kind of reverse superstition, I’ve always thought that being a witchy number made it more mysterious and powerful! I also love it when other people know superstitions that I’ve never heard of – my Granddad gave me a set of kitchen knives once and was astonished/horrified when I almost walked off without giving him a coin – apparently giving knives without payment is massively unlucky!

Are you superstitious too, and do you have a really unusual one that I might not have heard of before? I would love to hear it in the messages zone and add it to my collection. You never know – I might put it in a book, too!